Where We Bring Happiness

Through A Box

Our mission is to help the local farmers in Sarawak to grow and increase their income and at the same time help young unemployed youth to become farmers and earn profit from it.

"Change Starts With You"

Our Partner Community Farm in Stakan, Samarahan, Sarawak

That is why we created Komubox. Komu means “komuniti” that is community in English.


We aspire by this year to help as much as we can local farmers to grow sustainably.


Later, hopefully could replicate the concept to more farmers in Sarawak.

Our Partner Community Farm in Stakan, Samarahan, Sarawak

That is what we believe in. That is why my friend Isaac and I work together to create this community farm, on the land he own. 


Later we have around 15 unemployed people working on the land and become farmers.


But later we discovered that there is another big issue where a lot of farmers in Sarawak are earning less than RM2000 per month even how hard they work. 


These is because the intermediaries that buy in bulk from them at a very low price. 

Our Partner Community Farm in Stakan, Samarahan, Sarawak

Why Komubox?

Easy & High Quality

We know that a lot of working mothers especially having difficulties to buy groceries due to their busy schedule. With Komubox you can just subscribe to get grocery box delivered to your doorstep. You can choose for it to be delivered weekly, biweekly or even monthly.


All of our products that is to be sold to the customer go through a rigorous inspection by our quality team to ensure that we deliver the best product to our customer.

You Will Help Us Contribute Back To The Community

Other than the mission to help those unemployed and the local small farmers to grow, we also will donate 5% of our profit for social and environmental cause.


Furthermore, people could also purchase the grocery box as a donation and we will deliver it to those in need around Sarawak for free.

Sustainability Is Our Identity

All of our efforts and initiatives for the farmers and those that we are impacting are for the long term. We are focusing on expansion and replicating best practices to help more local farmers and impact more lives.


All of these initiatives are only be able to achieve through your support.

We also are also working on minimizing our impacts on environment by making all our of operations across the supply chain more environmentally sustainable.

Our Target This Year

Turn 20 unemployed youth to farmer

With our partner community farm we hope to get youth that are unemployed to become farmer and gain income from it. We provide training and basic needs for them.

Get 30 farmers involved in our project

We want to have 30 farmers from all across Kuching and Kota Samarahan to become our farmers and get value from this project.

Increase the farmers monthly income to 15% - 20%

We are targeting for this year to increase the income of the farmers under our project by buying their produce at a higher price. We will also provide training for them to increase their produce quantity and quality.